Keep Walking!

Evenstar | Update

evenstar is a dream, a dream that lets my imagination fly on wings of hope, hope that my prayers would be answered, answered with a gift, a gift that is worth everything I may ever be.

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Many of you who would be reading this post of mine would have some own blogging experience. Many amongst them would be avid bloggers. Some have their own personal blogs, where in, they put down everything that goes in through their hearts and not the mind. Few like me put in everything for we have no mind. And all of us has friends. Now, What do such mindless blogs and sage friends have in common?

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(Mac) Flex Builder 3 unable to run AIR applications

If you are using a Mac and running Flex Builder 3 to develop AIR applications on AIR 1.5 runtime, you may encounter an issue where Flex Builder simply refuses to debug/run the AIR application giving you the following popup,

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Power of Google | Birth of Chrome

So funny could not stop sharing this…

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(a XOR b) using NAND gates

Recently, someone asked me to construct the expression (a XOR b) using NAND gate/operator only. The first thing I did was write down the expressions which I thought I would need during the expression,

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Magical Behavior of Microsft Products

Today morning I received one of those another forwarded mails telling me of all those crazy magical things that Microsoft products do, and which no one from Microsoft including Bill Gates (as claimed in the email) is able to explain.

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Synergy - One keyboard/mouse for multiple computers

Many of us use multiple computers at work, most probably, a laptop and the desktop. And most of the time we find ourselves wondering as to why the cursor isn’t moving with the mouse, only to realize that we were using the wrong keyboard/mouse combination. Sounds familiar, huh? I have been irritated by this a lot in the past, and recently, I discovered this magical tool which left me cursing as to why I didn’t discover it earlier.

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New York Times launches Times Reader 2.0

New York Times released a Times Reader which makes reading online newspaper fun and exciting. Times Reader enables a user to read New York Times without a web browser. This might not look like a big change considering the fact that NYT is already available on web via a browser, but, the sparkling difference is the compelling and commanding interface. And yes, for those who might not have picked it up, Times Reader is a desktop application. Yes, it is !!!

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Power of Civil Engineering

PS: This is in response to an IT Manager’s question on me being a Civil Engineer by choice.

The power to observe, perceive and act has elevated man into a class of his own. This god gifted ability has led him to cause change within and around himself.

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Url based Tile name Controller

Tiles, a framework that is used extensively for templating in Java based web applications. Spring Framework, a dependency injection container that makes configuration easier. There are several controllers available in the Spring framework which makes mapping static JSP/JSF pages directly to the URI’s without writing boiler plate code. But in most of the cases, we use Tiles for a templating. What to do in such a case? There is no single controller that would help us map URI’s to a tilename. Here is what I came up… A simple controller that would directly map a URI to a tilename and forward the request out.

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