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Today, it was the first glimpse of monsoon showers in Delhi. Today, also marks 11 months since the time I last blogged. It’s not that I haven’t been coding, but my efforts were concentrated to ship many small or large applications both at work and personally. As the weather changes today, even I change my course today and come back to the blogging world.

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Change Eclipse Juno UI to match Eclipse Indigo

Some of the Windows users, like me, who have switched to Eclipse Juno (Eclipse 4.2) might not have liked the theme that ships as default. Specially, the piece around the toolbar backgrounds, the code editing theme, the absence of left border along side line numbers, and the overtly flashy UI containers.

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Pepmint now in Maven Central

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Pepmint, a Java wrapper over the Python Pygments library in Maven Central. Use the following to include it as a dependency,

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Saving HTML5 canvas to Java server

If you are working with HTML5 Canvas element and are looking to save the generated PNG file back on to the server via Java - it is not as easy as saving the byte array. The reason that the generated PNG data is URL encoded and is prefixed with the dataURI format headers.

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Trim down HTML content to desired text length

Given some HTML code, trim it down into valid HTML code that contains text of desired length.
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Merge different SCM snapshots

This post is about MergeRepo a small script that allows to merge two different snapshots of the same repository from different SCMs into one.

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Introducing as3dribbble - ActionScript Client Library for

I am happy to announce the availability of as3dribbble, an ActionScript client library for working with APIs. The library is strongly-typed, pagination-aware, and rate-limit aware for accessing all the current APIs. The library also exposes a convenience class called DribbbleInvoker that may be used to add more APIs (should they get added in future and this library looses track). The invoker is rate-limit safe.

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Introducing Pepmint!

I am happy to introduce PepMint, a JAVA wrapper over the awesome Python’s Pygments code syntax highlighting library. With Pepmint you can easily syntax highlight your own piece of snippet using code. This essentially helps us to build tools that consume code and output HTML - blog engines, presentation tools, documentation generators etc.

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Rate-Limited Java Client Dribbble API

I am happy to finish and open-source a strongly-typed, rate-limited Java Client library for Dribbble called dribbble-java-client.

dribbble-java-client is a strongly typed Java library for accessing API. The library provides support for rate limiting requests. All objects implement the necessary equals, hashcode and toString methods for easier usage. Also, implemented is the Comparable interface for comparison and sorting.

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Proposed Apache Flex Logos | Round II - Results

The Apache Flex logo contest came to end today with the results for Round 2 being announces by Doug Arthur.

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Proposed Apache Flex Logos | Round I - Results

From among all the contenders, after the first round of voting, the results are as under.
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Proposed Apache Flex Logos | Part II

In continuation of my previous post on Proposed Apache Flex Logos here are some more logos that have been posted. Check them out.

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Proposed Apache Flex Logos

As we all have heard that Adobe has started donating the Flex framework to the Apache foundation. The project was approved over the holidays and the combat has begun.

The first blood was shed yesterday with some designers proposing new logos for the Apache Flex framework. Below are the logos submitted by the time of writing. Please vote for your favorite ones at the project’s mailing lists.

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Mission Accomplished - Greplin Programming Challenge!

After a lull yesterday, I could finally find time to solve the third puzzle in the Greplin Programming Challenge. At first the puzzle seemed tricky, considering my bad with combinatory logic with numbers. However after many trials and errors I could solve the puzzle. And now I can sit and relax, and look at my stupid face as to why I was writing over 100 lines of code to solve, when the solution was simply a few lines.

Read the full post here.

Greplin Programming Challenge

Yesterday evening I came across another programming challenge called Greplin Programming Challenge. The challenge presents three problems which requires one to write small pieces of code to solve, and provide the solution as the password to the next level. Something similar to Project Euler problems.

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Image Unshredder - Update

In continuation of my earlier post about Instagram’s Engineering Challenge on an Image Unshredder, I took some time out yesterday and completed the automatic strip width detection piece. The approach was easy, the euclidean distance on the strip edge will be too high than the normal values.

Read the full post here.

Instagram's Engineering Challenge: The Unshredder

Three weeks ago, Instagram posted an engineering challenge: The Unshredder. The challenge presented an image that had been vertically shredded/spliced and then rejoined randomly, thus resulting in an image that looks like a puzzle. What one had to do was to write a script to take that image and unshred it - yes, reconstruct the original image.

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The Luhny Bin

Two days ago, Bob Lee posted a fun challenge on the Luhny Bin. It was not before a day has passed that I could get to know of the problem and try my hands at it. The delay being attributed to absence of Cygwin on my Windows machine which was needed to run the test harness (refer original post on details).

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EGit GitHub Commit API and Commit Stats

While working today with EGit for the GitHub API, I found out that there is no way to get the Commit statistics and the various file details. If you ponder over the API details at,

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