I am happy to announce that exactly after an year of the last release, I have a new major release for jerry-core library: version 3.0.0. You may get hold of the library from Maven Central with the following coordinates:


Following are the major changes in this release:

  • Minimum supported JDK version is now 1.7 than earlier 1.6
  • Upgraded the dependencies to the latest available versions
  • Fixed a critical bug in Base62Encoder where conflicting codes were being generated - this impacts if numbers encoded were both positive and negative. And thus this makes us bump up the major version - as the Base62Encoder is no longer compatible with codes generated with any of the previous versions

Other additions to the library include (and not limited to):

  • Added ResourceUtils to read files from classpath including from packaged JARs
  • Added StringArrayIterator to iterate over a string array using Iterator
  • Added IndentedStringWriter that takes care of writing long indented text that breaks at a given line length
  • Added count, removeAll, ltrim() and rtrim() methods to StringUtils
  • Updated ReflectionUtils to bind values to object-wrappers for primitives
  • Allow counter names to be read from IntegerCounter and LongCounter
  • Added SimpleMultiMap.numValues()
  • Added StringUtils.wildcardMatch() method
  • Added jitpack.yml for allowing jerry-core via https://jitpack.io
  • Added isJDK8() and isJDK9() methods to JDKUtils
  • Added asMap() and clear methods to IntegerCounter and LongCounter
  • Added getNextSetBit() method to BitArray and implementations
  • Added AdvancedStringReader and corresponding unit-tests

And lastly, the Javadocs have been updated heavily to add missing documentation and update the existing one to bring in more clarity.

Usage examples will be posted soon to this blog :)

Hope you find this release useful.