
We are given a huge array of bounded, non-duplicate, positive integers that need to be sorted. What’s the fastest way to do it.


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Most of the interview candidates that I have talked to about this problem come up with the quick answer as MergeSort or divide-and-conquer. The cost of sorting being O(N * Log(N)) - which in this case is not the fastest sorting time.

The fastest time to sort an integer array is O(N). Let me explain how.

  • Construct a boolean array of length N
  • For every integer n in array, mark the boolean at index n in array as true
  • Once the array iteration is complete, just iterate over the boolean array again to print all the indices that have the value set as true
public void sortBoundedIntegers(int[] array) {
  /// the regular checks first
  if(array == null) {

  if(array.length == 0) {

  // build the boolean result array
  boolean[] result = new boolean[array.length];
  for(int index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
    int num = array[index];
    result[num] = true;

  // print the result
  for(int index = 0; index < result.length; index++) {
    if(result[index]) {

Additional constraints and optimizations available

  • A boolean occupies one-byte of memory. Thus, switching to a bit-vector (also called as bit-array) will reduce the memory consumption by a factor of 8. Check code sample 2.

  • In case the integers are also negative, another bit-array can be used to check for negatives, and then both iterated one-after-another to produce result. Check code sample 2.

  • To further reduce the memory consumption, one can make use of sparsed-bit-arrays. This can lead to huge drop in memory consumption if the integers are spaced apart a lot. Check code sample 2. Refer to brettwooldridge/SparseBitSet for one such implementation.

  • In case the integer array contains duplicates, use a small short array than the boolean array to hold the number of times an integer has been seen, thus still sorting in O(N) time.

Code Sample 2

public void sortBoundedIntegers(int[] array) {
  // run regular checks

  final int len = array.length;

  // considering SparsedBitSet is an implementation available
  BitSet negative = new SparsedBitSet(len);
  BitSet positive = new SparsedBitSet(len);

  // sort
  for(int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
    int num = array[index];
    if(num < 0) {
      num = 0 - num; // convert to positive
      negative.setBit(num, true);
    } else {
      positive.setBit(num, true);

  // output
  int index = -1;
  do {
    index = negative.getNextSetBit(index);
    if(index < 0) {

    System.out.println(0 - index);
  } while(true);

  index = -1;
  do {
    index = positive.getNextSetBit(index);
    if(index < 0) {

  } while(true);

Additional Reading