Excel - NetWorkDays custom function
Posted on 06 February 2008
Business computations always involve the computation of Net-Work days, and if
you are using Excel, you immediately find a solution in NetworkDays
I have myself used it extensively in my computational work. But, for reasons
best known to Microsoft, they have kept this function as part of Analysis Toolpack
add-in. Well, to makes obviously no difference as the addin is a part of standard
Office shipment. But, when you are developing a spreadsheet to be used by many,
you are not very sure whether they have the addin installed/active.
Adding a check for its presence is definitely a good idea, but depending on the
Analysis ToolPack
just for NetworkDays
functionality is not worth it, atleast
in my purview. Here is the code of a custom function that does the same for you,
and in cases, can remove your dependency on ATP.
Public Function MyNetWorkDays(ByVal startDate As Date, ByVal endDate As Date, Optional ByVal holidays As range = Nothing) As Integer
Dim diff As Integer, weeks As Integer, ed As Integer, sd As Integer, delta As Integer
Dim swap As Boolean
swap = False
MyNetWorkDays = 0: delta = 0
If endDate < startDate Then
'swap the dates
Dim temp As Date
temp = endDate
endDate = startDate
startDate = temp
swap = True
End If
diff = endDate - startDate
ed = Weekday(endDate)
sd = Weekday(startDate)
weeks = diff \ 7
If ed = sd Then
If Not (ed = 1 Or ed = 7) Then
delta = 1
End If
ElseIf ed > sd Then
If ed = 7 Then ed = 6
If sd = 1 Then sd = 2
delta = ed - sd + 1
delta = 7 - (sd - ed) - 1
End If
MyNetWorkDays = (weeks * 5) + delta
' check for holidays
If Not holidays Is Nothing Then
For Each holiday In holidays
wh = Weekday(holiday)
If wh = 1 Or wh = 7 Then
If startDate <= holiday And holiday <= endDate Then
MyNetWorkDays = MyNetWorkDays - 1
End If
End If
End If
If swap Then
MyNetWorkDays = 0 - MyNetWorkDays
End If
End Function
Hope this helps!