Recently AIR 2.5 SDK was released by Adobe. One of the major changes in AIR 2.5 SDK is to the AIR Application Update Framework. This impacts the way, one specifies an application version in their AIR applications. The version tag has been removed, and two new tags, versionNumber and versionLabel have been added.

I had earlier posted code (see Ant task to update AIR application number) for an ANT task that helps update the application version in a continuous integration model. In this post, I update the ANT task to support the new attributes of AIR 2.5.

The task can be used as,

   <!-- For projects up to AIR 2.0 -->
	<version appdescriptor="myproject-app.xml" buildnumber="1.0.0.${build.number}">
	<!-- For projects on AIR 2.5 -->
	<version appdescriptor="myproject-app.xml" versionnumber="1.0.0" versionlabel="1.0.0.${build.number}">

The code can also be downloaded from my Google Code repository.

 * Copyright (C) 2010, Sandeep Gupta
 * The file is licensed under the the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.sangupta.ant.tasks;
* A simple ANT task that takes in an Adobe AIR application's application descriptor
* XML file and replaces the <version> string with the given build number. The
* task comes handy when used in a continuous integration process. The task has been
* tested with AIR SDK version 1.0 to 2.5. For AIR version's up to 2.0 the task replaces
* the <code>version</code> tag. For AIR version 2.5, the task replaces <code>versionNumber</code>
* and <code>versionLabel</code> tags. In case, the <code>versionLabel</code> is not
* specified, the task replaces the same value as <code>versionNumber</code>. The 
* <code>versionNumber</code> should be of the format <0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999>
* Works for my use cases, your mileage may vary.
* <b>Note: The application descriptor file must be write-enabled before invoking the task.</b>
* @author Sandeep Gupta <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email]</a>
* @version 1.1
* @since 23 Oct 2010
public class AIRVersionTask extends Task {
 * The location of the application descriptor XML file.
 private String appDescriptor = null;
 * The build number to replace the version with.
 private String buildNumber = null;
  * AIR 2.5+ build number of the form x.y.z
 private String versionNumber = null;
  * AIR 2.5+ build label string that is shown to the user (optional).
 private String versionLabel = null;
 * Constant representing the platform dependent new-line character.
 private static String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
 * Here goes the task execution code, pretty self-explanatory.
 public void execute() throws BuildException {
  // test for AIR version
  if(isEmpty(this.buildNumber) && isEmpty(this.versionNumber)) {
   throw new BuildException("Either buildNumber or versionNumber must be specified.");
  if(!isEmpty(this.buildNumber) && !isEmpty(this.versionNumber)) {
   throw new BuildException("Only one of buildNumber or versionNumber should be specified.");
  // check the file has to be an XML file
  if(!(this.appDescriptor != null && this.appDescriptor.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml"))) {
   throw new BuildException("The application descriptor must be an XML file.");
  // check if the file is actually present
  File xml = new File(this.appDescriptor);
  if(!xml.exists()) {
   throw new BuildException("The provided application descriptor file does not exist.");
  // check if this is AIR 2.5 build
  boolean isAir25 = false;
  // check for build number
  if(isEmpty(this.buildNumber)) {
   isAir25 = true;
  // if there is not version label - put the version number in
  if(isAir25) {
   if(isEmpty(this.versionLabel)) {
    this.versionLabel = this.versionNumber;
  // read the file and modify the build number
  StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
  BufferedReader reader = null;
  Writer output = null;
  try {
   reader =  new BufferedReader(new FileReader(xml));
   String line = null;
   while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    if(!isAir25) {
     line = replaceTag(line, "version", this.buildNumber);
    } else {
     line = replaceTag(line, "versionNumber", this.versionNumber);
     line = replaceTag(line, "versionLabel", this.versionLabel);
   // gracefully close the reader
   // now we have the contents in string builder
   // just replace the file in
   output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(xml));
   // all done
  } catch(IOException e) {
   throw new BuildException("Unable to set version string.", e);
  } finally {
   if(reader != null) {
    try {
    } catch(Exception ex) {
     // do nothing
   if(output != null) {
    try {
    } catch(Exception ex) {
     // do nothing
  * Given a tag name replace the tag value with the given value.
  * @param line the line to look for tag in
  * @param tagName the name of the tag to search for
  * @param value the value to be put as tag value
  * @return the modified/original line depending if the tag was replaced or not
 private String replaceTag(String line, String tagName, String value) {
  String startTag = "<" + tagName + ">";
  String endTag = "<!--" + tagName + "-->";
  String outLine = line.trim();
  if(outLine.startsWith(startTag) && outLine.endsWith(endTag)) {
   int index = line.indexOf(outLine);
   line = line.substring(0, index) + startTag + value + endTag;
  return line;
  * Convenience function to test if a string contains anything except whitespaces.
  * @param string string to test for.
  * @return <code>true</code> if the string is <code>null</code> or empty, <code>false</code> otherwise.
 private boolean isEmpty(String string) {
  if(string == null || string.trim().length() == 0) {
   return true;
  return false;
 // Usual accessor's follow
  * @return the appDescriptor
 public String getAppDescriptor() {
  return appDescriptor;
  * @param appDescriptor the appDescriptor to set
 public void setAppDescriptor(String appDescriptor) {
  this.appDescriptor = appDescriptor;
  * @return the buildNumber
 public String getBuildNumber() {
  return buildNumber;
  * @param buildNumber the buildNumber to set
 public void setBuildNumber(String buildNumber) {
  this.buildNumber = buildNumber;
  * @return the versionNumber
 public String getVersionNumber() {
  return versionNumber;
  * @param versionNumber the versionNumber to set
 public void setVersionNumber(String versionNumber) {
  this.versionNumber = versionNumber;
  * @return the versionLabel
 public String getVersionLabel() {
  return versionLabel;
  * @param versionLabel the versionLabel to set
 public void setVersionLabel(String versionLabel) {
  this.versionLabel = versionLabel;

Hope this helps.