Analyze this: 101 Reasons Why Java is Better than .NET
Posted on 27 February 2007
Recently a friend sent me a mail (just another chain mail) with the title
101 Reasons why Java is Better than .NET
. The title was so catchy, that
I got to read it at the very instance. I read for the next 10 minutes and
read each and every word twice. I was left pondering on the apartheid and
ignorant attitude of the author, who compiled such a list. Either he must
have been a JAVA fanatic or must be a student in a hurry to submit his
reports. With this thought I smiled on the authors ignorance and went on
to continue with my work.
While scrolling through my mails I read the title again, and say it its
catchy line, or my insanity, I opened the mail again. This time I was
upto scrutinizing the mail, checking all facts and figures and making
up mind. I searched for the author of the article and found to be published
first on
(excuse, if I am wrong) but, to my luck,
could not find the article. Anyways, I found a reproduction of the article
which is linked below for reference.
The title of the article itself seems to be biased towards .NET. A practical and more intellactual approach would be to compare both the development platforms (not languages… why… read on) and analyze the strength of one over another. Why I call them platforms and not langauges is due to the large number of programming frameworks available and being used for development. Another reason is also the support of many languages for .NET including JAVA.
Today a developer is not limited by choices of using any particular platform or framework. Even the hardware costs and performance costs that dictated the development process a long time back, are now into oblivion. As a developer one needs to know how the strengths of one over another, and that is what I am going to blog about in my future posts. Till then you can all read the 101 reasons here.