Working with Adobe AIR one often needs to read text files from the user’s file system. The available methods of the FileStream object do not provide a convenient way to achieve the functionality of reading the file line-by-line. Thus, I came up with an extended implementation of the FileStream class that supports reading line by line, aptly called, FileStreamWithLineReader.

To read a line from a text file,

var file:File = new File("fileToBeRead.txt");
var stream:FileStreamWithLineReader = new FileStreamWithLineReader();, FileMode.READ);
while(stream.bytesAvailable) {
    var line:String = stream.readLine();

The class does not have big detrimental effect on the performance of read operations, but still I would recommend using it only for files when one needs to read the entire file line by line.

 * as3extensions - ActionScript Utility Classes
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2011, myJerry Developers
 * The file is licensed under the the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
 import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection;
 import flash.utils.ByteArray;
  * An extension of the <code>flash.filesystem.FileStream</code> object that supports
  * reading lines from the inherent file stream. The objects uses an internal buffer so
  * as not to hit the performance. The default buffer size is 512 bytes.
  * The object supports only standard methods of the underlying <code>FileStream</code>
  * object.
  * Usage of the class is only recommended when one tends to read the data line by line
  * from a file stream. If the <code>readUTFLine()</code> or <code>readMultiByteLine()</code>
  * methods are not intended to be called, it will be preferable to use the <code>FileStream</code>
  * object, for performance reasons only.
  * @author Sandeep Gupta
  * @version 1.0
  * @since 17 Dec 2010
 public class FileStreamWithLineReader extends FileStream {
   * The internal buffer we maintain to be used when working with the
   * readLine() method.
  private var buffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
   * The default buffer size.
  private var bufferSize:uint = 512;
   * Constructor
  public function FileStreamWithLineReader() {
   * Set the buffer size to the given value. A value of <code>ZERO</code> will reset the buffer size
   * to a default value of 512 bytes.
  public function setBufferSize(value:uint):void {
   if(value == 0) {
    // the trace line here is intentional to let developer's know
    // of the default value in debug mode.
    trace('FileStreamWithLineReader: Buffer set to default size of 512 bytes.');
    this.bufferSize = 512;
   this.bufferSize = value;
   * Utility method to see if check if we have data in our internal buffer.
  protected function get hasBuffer():Boolean {
   if(buffer.length == 0) {
    return false;
   return true;
   * Method that returns the number of bytes that can be read in the next read
   * over the actual file stream. The value is the lesser amongst the buffer size
   * and the actual number of bytes available in the file stream.
  protected function get bytesToRead():uint {
   return Math.min(this.bufferSize, super.bytesAvailable);
   * Method to refill the buffer again with data from the file stream. The buffer is
   * either filled with the number of bytes as returned by the <code>bytesToRead()</code>
   * method.
  protected function refillBuffer():void {
   if(!this.hasBuffer) {
    super.readBytes(buffer, 0, this.bytesToRead);
   * Method to clean up the current buffer and move back in the original stream by the
   * extra bytes that were buffered in.
  protected function undoBuffer():void {
   if(this.hasBuffer) {
    super.position = (super.position - this.buffer.length);
    this.buffer = new ByteArray();
   * Reads a <code>UTF-8</code> encoded line from the inherent file stream. The presence of
   * a line termination character '<code>\n</code>' indicates the end-of-line.
  public function readUTFLine():String {
   return readMultiByteLine("utf-8");
   * Reads a line in the specified encoding from the inherent file stream. The presence of
   * a line termination character '<code>\n</code>' indicates the end-of-line.
  public function readMultiByteLine(charSet:String):String {
   var toReturn:String = readLine(charSet);
   // the following check is a fix when on windows the buffer reads between the values of
   // 13 and 10, which are used to indicate the end of line
   if(toReturn != null && toReturn.charCodeAt(toReturn.length - 1) == 13) {
    return toReturn.substr(0, toReturn.length - 1);
   return toReturn;
   * Method that actually attempts to read a line from the inherent file stream using internal buffers
   * in the given encoding. If no line termination character is found, the entire stream from the current
   * position to the end-of-file is returned back.
  protected function readLine(charSet:String):String {
   var joinedString:String = '';
   var toReturn:String = '';
   var extraReadString:String = ''; 
   do {
    var currentReadString:String = this.buffer.readMultiByte(this.buffer.length, charSet);
    // try and see if current buffer has enough data to return a line
    var index:int = currentReadString.indexOf('\n');
    if(index != -1) {
     if(index == 0) {
      // indicates that the first character of the current read string is a new line
      // return joined string
      toReturn = joinedString;
     } else {
      toReturn = joinedString + currentReadString.substr(0, index - 1);
     extraReadString = currentReadString.substr(index + 1); 
     this.buffer = new ByteArray();
     this.buffer.writeMultiByte(extraReadString, charSet);
     this.buffer.position = 0;
     return toReturn;
    // check if we have more data to read from the file
    // if not, we can return from this point
    if(this.bytesToRead == 0) {
     this.buffer = new ByteArray();
     return joinedString + currentReadString;
    // no the current buffer does not has enough data
    // move the current read string to joined string
    joinedString += currentReadString;
    this.buffer = new ByteArray();
   } while(true);
   return joinedString;
   * Returns the number of bytes of data available for reading in the input buffer.
  override public function get bytesAvailable():uint {
   if(this.hasBuffer) {
    return buffer.length + super.bytesAvailable;
   return super.bytesAvailable;
   * The current position in the buffer/file where the next read will happen.
  override public function get position():Number {
   if(this.hasBuffer) {
    return this.position - buffer.length;
   return super.position;
   * Resets the next reading position in the inherent stream and adjusts the internal buffers
   * accordingly.
  override public function set position(value:Number):void {
   if(this.hasBuffer) {
    if(value > this.buffer.length) {
     // empty the buffer
     // and skip in original stream
     buffer = new ByteArray();
     value = value - buffer.length;
     super.position = value;
    if(value == buffer.length) {
     // empty the buffer
     // no need to skip
     buffer = new ByteArray();
    // we just need to skip inside the buffer
    // get how many positions do we need to skip
    value = this.buffer.length - value;
    var tempBuffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    this.buffer.readBytes(tempBuffer, value);
    this.buffer = tempBuffer;
   super.position = value;
   * Overriden parent class functions to support buffering
  override public function readBoolean():Boolean {
   return this.buffer.readBoolean();
  override public function readByte():int {
   return this.buffer.readByte();
  override public function readBytes(bytes:ByteArray, offset:uint=0, length:uint=0):void {
   super.readBytes(bytes, offset, length);
  override public function readDouble():Number {
   return this.buffer.readDouble();
  override public function readFloat():Number {
   return this.buffer.readFloat();
  override public function readInt():int {
   return this.buffer.readInt();
  override public function readObject():* {
   return super.readObject();
  override public function readShort():int {
   return this.buffer.readShort();
  override public function readUnsignedByte():uint {
   return this.buffer.readUnsignedByte();
  override public function readUnsignedInt():uint {
   return this.buffer.readUnsignedInt();
  override public function readUnsignedShort():uint {
   return this.buffer.readUnsignedShort();
  override public function readUTF():String {
   return super.readUTF();
  override public function readUTFBytes(length:uint):String {
   return super.readUTFBytes(length);

Hope this helps.