CLI Tools
A bundle of command-line tools that are quite useful in day-to-day life. Some of these tools are available directly on some OS platforms - but not all - and hence, the cross-platform implementation.
Available Commands
base64 Base64 encode/decode
crc32 Compute the CRC32 hash of given file/file pattern(s)
curr Currency converter
epoch Show current time as epoch, millis in GMT
fbinfo Show information about a facebook account or page
filesort Tool to sort files in a directory by prefixing numerals
findfile Find files in a directory
gd Google dictionary from command line
hex Dump a given file as hex
htalk Search hackernews threads
imdb Fetch movie information from IMDB
ltrim Remove whitespaces from start of each line of the file
md2 Compute the MD2 hash of given file/file pattern(s)
md5 Compute the MD5 hash of given file/file pattern(s)
mvnsearch Search Maven artifacts
myip Display the IP address of this machine
prop Provides access to user properties
randfile Generate a random file of given size
rtrim Remove whitespaces from end of each line of the file
sha1 Compute the SHA1 hash of given file/file pattern(s)
sha256 Compute the SHA256 hash of given file/file pattern(s)
sha384 Compute the SHA384 hash of given file/file pattern(s)
sha512 Compute the SHA512 hash of given file/file pattern(s)
stock Stock quotes from NASDAQ
trim Remove whitespaces from each line of the file
uuidgen Generates a new universally unique identifier (UUID)
The library is released under the terms of Apache Public License Version 2.